Improving Trucker Health for Emotional, Mental, Physical Benefits

Besides the obvious trucker health improvements of diet and exercise, there are other actions that professional truck drivers can take to help themselves.

Professional truck driver Mike Simons smiles as he engages in some walking for good trucker health.The good news about the ones that we are going to list include:

  • they can provide many benefits;
  • the vast majority of them can be self administered on the road; and
  • they can help truckers save money.

We aren’t the only ones who have confidence in these helps.

When Vicki contacted Buck Black of about providing therapeutic grade essential oils to his clients, he declined for ethical reasons, but said he would refer clients to us.

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We feel as though it is important for professional truck drivers to understand the power of pure essential oils for trucker health, not only for their physical well-being but also for other aspects of life.

Through specific applications appropriate to each oil (inhalation, ingestion or topical application), one can help oneself and support emotional, mental and physical systems in the body.

Man with hands to face considering something.What’s not to like about that kind of trucker treatment self help?

To underscore why we believe this is important, please allow us to share two personal experiences.

Perhaps you as a trucker can identify with either or both of these types of trucker health improvement…

Mike’s Physical Health Restored

Increase and improvement.Prior to early 2012, we had absolutely no idea of the power of essential oils.

In case you do not know, essential oils are the aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds.

When essential oils are 100% pure and therapeutic grade, they support the systems of the body.

Following Mike’s on-the-job trucking injury, Mike worked to regain his full mobility, which occurred in significant part due to the use of a Young Living therapeutic grade essential oil blend.


Mike’s Stress Level Lowered

Decrease and improvement.In June 2013, we took a business trip from our home state of South Carolina to Utah.

One night after dinner, Mike paid for our meal using a credit card.

Later on (after leaving the restaurant), Mike realized that the credit card he had used to pay for our meal was not in his wallet.

The last time he had seen it had been at the restaurant.

He called the restaurant and no one had seen it.

As you can imagine, his stress level was pretty high.

Realizing the card was lost, he called the credit card company to cancel the card.

The following evening, he went by the restaurant and still no one had seen the card.

Just after that, we attended an evening workshop.

A lady who was sitting in front of Mike overheard him describe what had happened and offered him an essential oil blend specifically formulated to reduce stress.

Mike dispensed a tiny bit in one hand, rubbed his hands together and then cupped his hands over his nose and inhaled numerous times very deeply.

Within an extremely short period of time, he said that he put the credit card situation in God’s hands and was able to relax.

(This is an example of the power of aromatherapy.)


Larger Institutions Using Essential Oils

If our personal experiences and the testimonies of others aren’t enough, there are larger institutions using essential oils for health and healing.

Young Living Essential Oils continually seeks to partner with organizations dedicated to educating the public about the versatile uses and profound effects essential oils have on the mind and body.


Essential Oils Connection with Trucker Health

You may be wondering:

  • “What does all of this have to do with professional truck drivers saving money?” or
  • “How does this relate to trucker health?”

If the use of an essential oil or supplement containing essential oils is a means of helping a trucker avoid an accident, it has more than paid for itself.

Furthermore, a trucker’s home support team can learn how to apply oils topically to help achieve certain desired outcomes concerning trucker health, saving even more money.


Different Uses for Different Needs

Your Twelve Body SystemsThere are different uses for different Young Living essential oils and oil blends.

Each has a unique chemical profile for health and healing.

Due to the unique biochemistry of each person, one essential oil or blend may work better for him or her than another.

Although not exhaustive with respect to all aspects of trucker health — because some truckers may still need the counseling expertise that Buck Black provides — we have compiled information to help truckers with:


Consultation is Available

Maybe we should talk.If you do not feel comfortable in using your own best judgment about which oils or oil blends to use for self-administered trucker health, you may request an Essential Oil Personal Consultation.

Note: These consultations are available only in English.

While there is no charge for a 15-minute personal consultation, the time may only be used for consultation about which products from Young Living Essential Oils would be best to use.

You may request your personal consultation through the form below.

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