Powerhunt Products

By: Walt,
Indianapolis, IN

Review This Product

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Although the following is written by a former truck driver about PowerHunt 12 volt products in a non-truck setting, we are publishing it because it is detailed and provides a customer’s viewpoint about the positive and negative aspects of the products.

Walt, thanks for your feedback.

Thanks, Vicki

Though not a truck driver any more, I have installed the powerHunt system on my boat and use it on a regular basis. I have the grill, sandwich maker, and one cup coffee pot. Here are my thoughts:

The grill and sandwich maker are great. The power is at least what is advertised and I can cook steaks in minutes. We spend a fair amount of time patrolling for the Coast Guard Auxiliary and a hot meal on a cold day is great. The sandwich maker works just as well as the grill and is easier to keep clean. Most certainly, it is much cheaper to eat our own than to stop at marina restaurants!

The system does require the power strip to operate and finding a mounting space on the boat can be a bit awkward. However, the high amperage that the system pulls necessitates the heavy plug system so you take the good with the bad.

As with any cooking utensil, the cleaning becomes a bit of a chore. However the grease drain and holding system does help. I would recommend that anyone using the system have lots of paper towel and a trash bag available to keep things neat.

The single cup coffee pot is entirely too small to satisfy my coffee needs. Perhaps the 10 cup is better. On the plus side, it cooks a cup quickly, so I can at least get a refill without much of a wait.

Overall, the appliances seem to be well made and stand up well to the harsh use and environment that we use them in. I suspect that they would do the same or better in a truck where moisture is not as big an issue.

Since I don’t use an inverter on the boat, I can’t speak to that issue. However, my sense is that normal household appliances are not designed for the rigors of travel or boating use and would not hold up as well as these products have.

On a scale of 10, I would probably give them an overall score of 8. If they were easier to clean, the score would probably go up.